Marine transportation is an essential part of steel handling operations at ThyssenKrupp’s Calvert, Alabama facility. To support operations there, Thompson Engineering designed the ThyssenKrupp River Terminal on the Alabama River. The river terminal meets demanding steel transport requirements of the steel processing facility with several design elements.
The river terminal features five berths, each 220 feet long, to handle barge operations in fluctuating river elevations of as many as 18 feet. The terminal also consists of two barge fleeting areas that can support mooring of up to 27 barges. The barge fleeting areas allow ThyssenKrupp to better manage and schedule barge distribution between the river terminal and the Alabama State Port Authority’s Pinto Island facility.
The river terminal uses three gantry cranes for loading and unloading steel from hopper barges and one E-crane for materials handling. Thompson engineers considered crane runway beams, power supply and high-mast lighting in the design.
The structure of the river terminal consists of steel sheet piling supported by an integral concrete relieving platform. The finish height of the terminal is approximately 20 feet above the relieving platform and 30 feet above low water.
Thompson’s responsibilities on the project included: